What are the benefits of herbal medicine?
Herbal medicine has been used as a reputable method of healing for aeons. Or, at least over 60,000 years based on archaeological evidence. Today, the World Health Organisation states that three quarters of the world’s population use herbs for basic healthcare. While it sits within the complementary medicine category, it is very much intrinsically tied to achieving optimal overall wellbeing, healing and holistic preventative action. The run on effect of these benefits can be life changing when used properly. Here are the major benefits of using herbal medicine.
Cost effective and accessible
High quality herbs should always be taken in controlled dosages as prescribed by a qualified naturopath. This step to getting herbs can sometimes be seen as an expensive hurdle, though this is (for reputable naturopaths) a bit of a myth.
With the option for bulk billing disappearing across most general practitioners, especially, seeing a naturopath for herbal medicine is a greater cost effective option. The right herbs can support prevention of disease, ongoing health and wellbeing and treatments for ailments.
Either on their own or in conjunction with medications (which must always be disclosed to your naturopath), herbs can have extremely high efficacy in fairly low dosages. So, a little goes a long way for a relatively moderate price point.
Effective herbs will also ensure you are visiting your naturopath and your GP a lot less.
Natural healing
Herbs are a completely natural approach to prevention, healing and health support. Used in the right dosage, individually prescribed for your needs, they are a safe and effective way of, in some instances, opting away from or helping to support pharmacy medications.
When used properly there are very few, if any, downsides to including herbal medicines in your holistic health habits.
Mitigated risk of side effects
Unlike a lot of pharmacy medications, there are far fewer side effects when herbal medicine is used as prescribed. Their formulations are designed to support and strengthen the body in an ongoing capacity.
Despite their high efficacy, they have significantly less instances of dire reactions, dependency and complications.
If you decide to pause your use of herbal medicine, you will not experience debilitating come downs (at most, you may experience the return of the symptoms you were seeking to stop with the herbs, but at no greater intensity).
You can safely test and try different herbs
So long as it’s under the guidance of a professional, high quality natural medicinal herbs can be trialled and tested in a safe way with relatively no down time.
While we may ask you to wait a certain amount of time between trying herbs, it is typically to help adequately measure how and if it is working for you.
Are you interested in including herbal medicines? Contact our naturopath for a consultation and begin the path to optimal health.